Lyrina: [News] - [Gear] - [Skills & AAXPs] - [Videos] - [Spells] - [Epic] - [Quests] - [Imprint] - [Pets]
Aniryl: [News] - [Gear] - [Skills & AAXPs] - [Videos] - [Spells] - [Epic] - [Quests] - [Imprint] - [Pets]

[X] - Already in my spellbook / Completed set
[B] - Bought, but not scribed yet
[ ] - Missing
[D] - Drops from Monsters
[R] - Researchable
[C] - Craftable
[Q] - Questable
[S] - Storebought (Attention: Some storebought spells are only avail. with the PoP-Expansion!)
Get more infos about the spell from [A]llakhazam, [L]ucy, [M]agelo, [T]AKP-Allakhazam Clone
EQV - 'Vanilla' spell, from the original Era of EverQuest
RoK - 'Rise of Kunark' spell
SoV - 'Scars of Velious' spell
SoL - 'Shadow of Luclin' spell
PoP - 'Planes of Power' spell
(This spell list is also available as simple text-file: [HERE])




__________________[X] Level: 1
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Burst of Flame
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Flare
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Minor Shielding
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Reclaim Energy
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] True North
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Sense Summoned
[A|L|M|__S|SoL] - [X] Summon Brass Choker
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Summon Dagger
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Summon Drink
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Summon Food

__________________[X] Level: 4
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Burn
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Elementalkin Air
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Elementalkin Earth
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Elementalkin Fire
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Elementalkin Water
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Fire Flux
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Gate
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Summon Bandages
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Summon Wisp

__________________[X] Level: 8
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Dimensional Pocket
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Elementaling Air
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Elementaling Earth
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Elementaling Fire
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Elementaling Water
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Eye of Zomm
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Flame Bolt
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Invisibility
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Lesser Shielding
[A|L|M|__S|RoK] - [X] Renew Elements
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Shield of Fire
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Shock of Blades
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Staff of Tracing
[A|L|M|__S|SoL] - [X] Summon Linen Mantle


__________________[X] Level: 12
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Bind Affinity
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Burnout
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Cancel Magic
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Column of Fire
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Elemental Air
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Elemental Earth
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Elemental Fire
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Elemental Water
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Rain of Blades
[A|L|M|__S|SoL] - [X] Summon Elemental Defender
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Summon Fang
[A|L|M|__S|SoL] - [X] Summon Tarnished Bauble
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Ward Summoned

__________________[X] Level: 16
[A|L|M|_RS|EQV] - [X] Identify
[A|L|M|_RS|EQV] - [X] Minor Summoning Air
[A|L|M|_RS|EQV] - [X] Minor Summoning Earth
[A|L|M|_RS|EQV] - [X] Minor Summoning Fire
[A|L|M|_RS|EQV] - [X] Minor Summoning Water
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Phantom Leather
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] See Invisible
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Shielding
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Shock of Flame
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Staff of Warding
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Summon Heatstone
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Summon Throwing Dagger
[A|L|M|__S|SoL] - [X] Summon Tiny Ring

__________________[X] Level: 19
[A|L|M|___|PoP] - [X] Tiny Companion


__________________[X] Level: 20
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Bolt of Flame
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Elemental Shield
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Expulse Summoned
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Lesser Summoning Air
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Lesser Summoning Earth
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Lesser Summoning Fire
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Lesser Summoning Water
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Rain of Fire
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Renew Summoning
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Shield of Flame
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Spear of Warding
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Summon Arrows
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Summon Jade Bracelet
[A|L|M|__S|SoL] - [X] Summon Phantom Leather
[A|L|M|__S|EQV] - [X] Summon Waterstone

__________________[X] Level: 24
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Cornucopia
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Everfount - (R/66)
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Flame Flux
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Major Shielding
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Malaise
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Shock of Spikes
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Staff of Runes
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Summon Silver Choker
[A|L|M|_R_|EQV] - [X] Summoning Air - (R/66)
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Summoning Earth
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Summoning Fire
[A|L|M|_R_|EQV] - [X] Summoning Water - (R/66)

__________________[X] Level: 29
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Burnout II
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Dismiss Summoned
[A|L|M|___|SoV] - [X] Expedience
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Greater Summoning Air
[A|L|M|_R_|EQV] - [X] Greater Summoning Earth - (R/78)
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Greater Summoning Fire
[A|L|M|_R_|EQV] - [X] Greater Summoning Water - (R/79)
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Inferno Shield
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Phantom Chain
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Rain of Spikes
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Summon Coldstone
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Summon Leather Mantle
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Summon Phantom Chain
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Sword of Runes


__________________[X] Level: 34
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Blaze
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Cinder Bolt
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Dimensional Hole
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Greater Shielding
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Minor Conjuration Air - (R/87)
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Minor Conjuration Earth
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Minor Conjuration Fire - (R/86)
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Minor Conjuration Water
[A|L|M|___|SoV] - [X] Monster Summoning I
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Nullify Magic
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Staff of Symbols
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Summon Shiny Bauble
[A|L|M|___|SoV] - [X] Summon Shard of the Core

__________________[X] Level: 39
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Barrier of Combustion
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Dagger of Symbols
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Expel Summoned
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Flame Arc
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Lesser Conjuration Air
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Lesser Conjuration Earth
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Lesser Conjuration Fire
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Lesser Conjuration Water
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Rain of Lava
[A|L|M|___|SoV] - [X] Summon Companion
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Summon Phantom Plate
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Summon Ring of Flight
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Summon Twisted Ring


__________________[X] Level: 44
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Arch Shielding
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Conjuration Air
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Conjuration Earth
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Conjuration Fire
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Conjuration Water
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Elemental Armor
[A|L|M|___|SoV] - [X] Elemental Maelstrom
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Malaisement
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Modulating Rod
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Phantom Plate
[A|L|M|___|PoP] - [X] Refresh Summoning
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Shock of Swords
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Summon Opal Bracelet

__________________[X] Level: 46
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Summon Orb (Epic spell)

__________________[X] Level: 49
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Banish Summoned
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Burnout III
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Greater Conjuration Air
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Greater Conjuration Earth
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Greater Conjuration Fire
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Greater Conjuration Water
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Lava Bolt
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Summon Elemental Blanket
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Rain of Swords
[A|L|M|___|EQV] - [X] Shield of Lava


__________________[X] Level: 50
[A|L|M|D_S|SoV] - [X] Monster Summoning II
[A|L|M|__S|SoL] - [X] Summon Golden Choker

__________________[X] Level: 51
[A|L|M|DRS|RoK] - [X] Gift of Xev
[A|L|M|_ S|EQV] - [X] Malosi
[A|L|M|_ S|RoK] - [X] Scintillation (Questable: [Evil|Good])
[A|L|M|_ S|SoL] - [X] Summon Silken Mantle
[A|L|M|_ S|RoK] - [X] Vocarate: Earth

__________________[X] Level: 52
[A|L|M|DRS|RoK] - [X] Bristlebane's Bundle (Questable: [Evil|Good])
[A|L|M|_ S|RoK] - [X] Char
[A|L|M|_ S|RoK] - [X] Phantom Armor
[A|L|M|_ S|SoL] - [X] Summon Brilliant Bauble
[A|L|M|D_S|SoL] - [X] Transon's Elemental Infusion
[A|L|M|__S|RoK] - [X] Vocarate: Fire (Questable: [Evil|Good])

__________________[X] Level: 53
[A|L|M|__S|RoK] - [X] Annul Magic
[A|L|M|__S|RoK] - [X] Boon of Immolation (Questable: [Evil|Good])
[A|L|M|__S|SoL] - [X] Summon Studded Ring
[A|L|M|DRS|RoK] - [X] Quiver of Marr (Questable: [Evil|Good])
[A|L|M|__S|RoK] - [X] Vocarate: Air (Questable: [Evil|Good])

__________________[X] Level: 54
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Bandolier of Luclin
[A|L|M|___|PoP] - [X] Elemental Cloak
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Phantasmal Armor
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Shield of the Magi
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Scars of Sigil
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Summon Ruby Bracelet
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Veil of Elements
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Vocarate: Water

__________________[X] Level: 55
[A|L|M|___|SoV] - [X] Burnout IV
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Call of the Hero
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Pouch of Quellious
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Rage of Zomm
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Sirocco
[A|L|M|___|SoV] - [X] Wrath of the Elements

__________________[X] Level: 56
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Cadeau of Flame
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Dyzil's Deafening Decoy
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Exile Summoned
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Mass Mystical Transvergence
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Muzzle of Mardu
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Rod of Mystical Transvergence

__________________[X] Level: 57
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Eye of Tallon
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Greater Vocaration Earth
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Shock of Steel

__________________[X] Level: 58
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Greater Vocaration Fire
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Malosini
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Transon's Phantasmal Protection
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Velocity

__________________[X] Level: 59
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Greater Vocaration Air
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Manastorm
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Manifest Elements
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Seeking Flame of Seukor
[A|L|M|___|SoV] - [X] Valiant Companion


__________________[X] Level: 60
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Aegis of Ro
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Ancient Shock of Sun
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Ancient Burnout Blaze
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Banishment
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Greater Vocaration Water
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Maelstrom of Electricity
[A|L|M|___|RoK] - [X] Mala
[A|L|M|___|SoV] - [X] Monster Summoning III
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Shock of Fiery Blade
[A|L|M|___|SoL] - [X] Transon's Elemental Renewal

__________________[X] Level: 61
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Belt of Magi'Kot
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Blade of Walnan
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Elemental Barrier
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Firebolt of Tallon
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Flameshield of Ro
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Shield of the Arcane
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Summon Glowing Bauble
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Summon Platinum Choker
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Summon Runed Mantle
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Summon Sapphire Bracelet
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Summon Spiked Ring
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Ward of Xegony

__________________[X] Level: 62
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Burnout V
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Fist of Ixiblat
[A|L|T|C__|PoP] - [X] Imbue Earth
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Servant of Marr
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Sun Storm
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Talisman of Return
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Xegony's Phantasmal Guard

__________________[X] Level: 63
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Black Steel
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Blade of The Kedge
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Child of Ro
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Elemental Silence
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Maelstrom of Ro
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Malosinia
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Summon Jewelry Bag

__________________[X] Level: 64
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Destroy Summoned
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Girdle of Magi'Kot
[A|L|T|C__|PoP] - [X] Imbue Air
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Maelstrom of Thunder
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Planar Renewal
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Shield of Maelin

__________________[X] Level: 65
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Call of the Arch Mage
[A|L|T|C__|PoP] - [X] Imbue Fire
[A|L|T|C__|PoP] - [X] Imbue Water
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Rathe's Son
[A|L|T|Q__|PoP] - [X] Sun Vortex



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Ancient: Burnout Blaze
Ancient: Burnout Blaze
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(C)(R) Sven Vucenovic, Böllatweg 8, 72379 Hechingen, lyrina @ eqclassic . de
(C)(R) EverQuest 2015-2018 Daybreak Game Company, LLC. All Rights Reserved

(C)(R) Allakhazam, Lucy and Magelo. All Rights Reserved