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Aniryl: [oooo] - [Gear] - [Skills & AAXPs] - [Videos] - [ssssss] - [Epic] - [Quests] - [ooooooo] - [Pets]

[Basic checklist]


[X] - Item acquired
[ ] - Missing
[X] - Questpart completed
[A] - Get more infos about the item, monster, NPC or zone from Allakhazam
[L] - Get more infos about the item from Lucy
[M] - Get more infos about the item, monster, NPC or zone from Magelo


Download the 'Basic checklist' [HERE] as a textfile




[Basic checklist|List|Legend]
Basic checklist

[X] Words of Magi`Kot
____[X] Kill an 'enraged dread wolf' in 'Kithicor Forest'. Loot 'Torn Page of Magi`kot pg. 1'
____[X] Kill 'a tentacle terror' in the 'Estate of Unrest'. Loot 'Torn Page of Magi`kot pg. 2'
____[X] Kill 'a bloodthirsty ghoul' in 'Lower Guk'. Loot 'Torn Page of Magi`kot pg. 3'
________[X] Take them to 'Jahsohn Ak`sot' in 'Commonlands'. Receive 'Words of Magi`kot'


[X] Power of the Elements
____[X] Kill 'a gypsy dancer' in 'Castle Mistmoore'. Loot the 'Power of Wind'
____[X] Kill 'blazing elemental' in 'Solusek's Eye'. Loot the 'Power of Fire'
____[X] Kill 'famished ravener' or 'hungered ravener' in 'Kaesora'. Loot the 'Power of Water'
____[X] Kill 'a faerie guard' in 'Lesser Faydark'. Loot 'Power of Earth'
________[X] Give these to 'Walnan' in the 'Butcherblock Mountains'. Receive the
____________'Power of the Elements'


[X] Words of Mastery
____[X] Kill 'a magician', 'a goblin magician' or 'Ekeros' in 'Najena' or 'an alligator' in
________'Cazic-Thule' for 'Torn Pages' and a 'Broom' and a 'Shovel'
________[X] 'Torn Page of Mastery Earth'
________[X] 'Torn Page of Mastery Water'
________[X] 'Torn Page of Mastery Wind'
________[X] 'Torn Page of Mastery Fire'
________[X] 'Broom' (part of the 'Element of Earth'-sub-quest)
________[X] 'Shovel' (part of the 'Element of Earth'-sub-quest)
____________[X] Give all four torn pages to 'Akksstaff' in 'Najena'. Receive: 'Words of Mastery'


[X] Power of the Orb
____[X] Go to 'Rykas' in 'Lake Rathetear'. Give him the 'Words of Magi`kot', the
________'Power of the Elements', and the 'Words of Mastery'. Receive the 'Power of the Orb'


[X] Element of Fire
____[X] Kill 'Neh'Ashiir' in the 'City of Mist'. Loot the 'Torch of the Elements'
____[X] Kill 'Nezekezena', 'Phurzikon', and 'Gylton' in the 'Burning Woods'. Loot 'Burning Embers'
____[X] Kill 'Undertow' in 'Kedge Keep'. Loot the 'Blazing Wand'
________[X] Give these items and the 'Power of the Orb' to 'Jennus Lyklobar'
____________in 'Skyfire Mountains'. Receive the 'Element of Fire'


[X] Element of Earth
______[X] Kill 'Magi P`Tasa' in the 'Plane of Hate'. Loot the 'Staff of Elemental Mastery: Earth'
______[X] Kill 'Slixin Klex' in the 'Burning Wood'. Loot 'Dirt of Underfoot'
______[X] Kill 'Hill Giants' for 'Hill Giant Toes'
______[X] Kill 'Griffons' for 'Griffon Feathers'
______[X] Kill 'Cyclops' for 'Cyclops Toes'
______[X] Kill 'Gargoyles' in 'Castle Mistmoore' for 'Gargoyle Eye'
______[X] Loot or buy a 'Star Ruby'
______[X] Loot or buy a 'Ruby'
__________[X] Quest for 'Shovel of Ponz'
______________[X] Give 'Shovel' (see 'Words of Mastery'), 'Ruby', 'Gargoyle Eye', and
__________________'Hill Giant Toes' to 'Vira' in 'Temple of Solusek Ro'
__________[X] Quest for 'Broom of Trilon'
______________[X] Give 'Broom' (see 'Words of Mastery'), 'Cyclops Toes', 'Star Ruby' and
__________________'Griffon Feathers' to 'Vira' in 'Temple of Solusek Ro'
______[X] Give 'Staff of Elemental Mastery: Earth', 'Dirt of Underfoot', 'Shovel of Ponz' and
__________'Broom of Trilon' to 'Tiblner Milnik' in 'Firiona Vie'. Receive 'Element of Earth'


[X] Element of Water
____[X] Kill 'Phinigel Autropos' in 'Kedge Keep'. Loot 'Staff of Elemental Mastery: Water'
____[X] Kill 'Captain Rottgrime' in 'The Overthere'. Loot 'Tears of Erollisi'
____[X] Kill 'Tarbul Earthstrider' in 'East Karana'. Loot 'Rain of Karana'
________[X] Give these items to 'Jinalis Andir' in 'Dagnor's Cauldron' and receive the
____________'Element of Water'


[X] Element of Wind
____[X] Kill mobs (a fatestealer drake, a greater sphinx, a heartsbane drake, a windrider drake, an undine spirit)
________on the 7th island on the 'Plane of Sky'. Loot the 'Crown of Elemental Mastery'
____[X] Kill mobs in 'The Ruins of Old Paineel'. Loot the 'Elemental Binder'
____[X] Kill 'Quillmane' in 'South Karana'. Loot the 'Pegasus Feather Cloak'
________[X] Give these items to 'Kihun Solstin' in the 'Plane of Sky' and receive the
____________'Element of Wind'


[X] Spell: Summon Orb
____[X] 'Master of Elements' spawns after receiving the 'Element of Wind',
________give him the four Elements.
________[X] Receive 'Spell: Summon Orb'
____________(If 'Master of Elements' isn't spawned, Hail 'Kihun Solstin' and say
____________"I want to see the master.")



[Basic checklist|List|Legend]

NPCs - A Items - A Zones - A Monsters - A
        a bloodthirsty ghoul
            a faerie guard
            a fatestealer drake [A|M]
            a goblin magician
            a greater sphinx [A|M]
            a gypsy dancer
            a heartsbane drake [A|M]
            a Magician
            a tentacle terror
            an alligator
            enraged dread wolf
            a windrider drake [A|M]
            an undine spirit
NPCs - B Items - B Zones - B Monsters - B
    Blazing Wand
Burning Woods
blazing elemental
    Broom [A|L|M] Butcherblock Mountains [A|M]    
    Broom of Trilon [A|L|M]        
    Burning Embers [A|L|M]        
NPCs - C   Items - C Zones - C Monsters - C
    Crown of Elemental Mastery [A|L|M] Castle Mistmoore [A|M] Captain Rottgrime
    Cyclops Toes [A|L|M] Cazic-Thule [A|M]    
City of Mist [A|M]    
NPCs - D Items - D Zones - D Monsters - D
  Dirt of Underfoot
Dagnor's Cauldron
NPCs - E   Items - E Zones - E Monsters - E
    Element of Earth [A|L|M] East Karana [A|M] Ekeros [A|M]
    Element of Fire [A|L|M] Estate of Unrest [A|M]    
    Element of Water [A|L|M]        
    Element of Wind [A|L|M]        
    Elemental Binder [A|L|M]        
NPCs - F   Items - F Zones - F Monsters - F
        Firiona Vie [A|M] famished ravener [A|M]
NPCs - G   Items - G Zones - G Monsters - G
    Gargoyle Eye [A|L|M]     Gylton [A|M]
    Griffon Feathers [A|L|M]        
NPCs - H Items - H Zones - H Monsters - H
    Hill Giant Toes [A|L|M]     hungered ravener [A|M]
NPCs - I Items - I Zones - I Monsters - I
NPCs - J Items- J Zones- J Monsters- J
Jahsohn Ak`sot [A|M]            
Jennus Lyklobar [A|M]            
Jinalis Andir [A|M]            
NPCs - K Items - K Zones - K Monsters - K
Kihun Solstin [A|M]     Kaesora [A|M]    
        Kedge Keep [A|M]    
        Kithicor Forest [A|M]    
NPCs - L Items - L Zones - L Monsters - L
        Lake Rathetear [A|M]    
        Lesser Faydark [A|M]    
        Lower Guk [A|M]    
NPCs - M Items - M Zones - M Monsters - M
Master of Elements [A|M]         Magi P`Tasa [A|M]
NPCs - N Items - N Zones - N Monsters - N
        Najena [A|M] Neh`Ashiir [A|M]
            Nezekezena [A|M]
NPCs - O Items - O Zones - O Monsters - O
NPCs - P Items - P Zones - P Monsters - P
    Pegasus Feather Cloak [A|L|M] Plane of Hate [A|M] Phinigel Autropos [A|M]
    Power of Earth [A|L|M] Plane of Sky [A|M] Phurzikon [A|M]
    Power of Fire [A|L|M]        
    Power of Water [A|L|M]        
    Power of Wind [A|L|M]        
    Power of the Elements [A|L|M]        
    Power of the Orb [A|L|M]        
NPCs - Q Items - Q Zones - Q Monsters - Q
            Quillmane [A|M]
NPCs - R Items - R Zones - R Monsters - R
Rykas [A|M] Rain of Karana [A|L|M]        
    Ruby [A|L|M]        
NPCs - S Items - S Zones - S Monsters - S
    Shovel [A|L|M] Skyfire Mountains [A|M] Slixin Klex [A|M]
    Shovel of Ponz [A|L|M] Solusek's Eye [A|M]    
    Spell: Summon Orb [A|L|M] South Karana [A|M]    
    Staff of Elemental Mastery: Earth [A|L|M]        
    Staff of Elemental Mastery: Water [A|L|M]        
    Star Ruby [A|L|M]        
NPCs - T Items - T Zones - T Monsters - T
Tiblner Milnik [A|M] Tears of Erollisi [A|L|M] Temple of Solusek Ro [A|M] Tarbul Earthstrider [A|M]
    Torch of the Elements [A|L|M] The Overthere [A|M]    
    Torn Page of Magi`kot pg. 1 [A|L|M] The Ruins of Old Paineel [A|M]    
    Torn Page of Magi`kot pg. 2 [A|L|M]        
    Torn Page of Magi`kot pg. 3 [A|L|M]        
    Torn Page of Mastery Earth [A|L|M]        
    Torn Page of Mastery Fire [A|L|M]        
    Torn Page of Mastery Water [A|L|M]        
    Torn Page of Mastery Wind [A|L|M]        
NPCs - U Items - U Zones - U Monsters - U
            Undertow [A|M]
NPCs - V Items - V Zones - V Monsters - V
Vira [A|M]            
NPCs - W Items- W Zones- W Monsters- W
Walnan [A|M] Words of Magi`kot [A|L|M]        
    Words of Mastery [A|L|M]        
NPCs - X Items - X Zones - X Monsters - X
NPCs - Y Items - Y Zones - Y Monsters - Y
NPCs - Z Items - Z Zones - Z Monsters - Z  
NPCs Items Zones Monsters
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(C)(R) Sven Vucenovic, Böllatweg 8, 72379 Hechingen, lyrina @ eqclassic . de
(C)(R) EverQuest 2015-2018 Daybreak Game Company, LLC. All Rights Reserved

(C)(R) Allakhazam, Lucy and Magelo. All Rights Reserved