[ ] Level: 1 [ ] True North [ ] Summon Drink [ ] Minor Shielding [ ] Flare [ ] Summon Dagger [ ] Fire Flux [ ] Reclaim Energy [ ] Summon Food [ ] Burst of Flame [ ] Level: 2 [ ] Summon Brass Choker [ ] Elementalkin Water [ ] Summon Bandages [ ] Level: 3 [ ] Sense Summoned [ ] Elementalkin Fire [ ] Summon Wisp [ ] Level: 4 [ ] Elementalkin Air [ ] Gate [ ] Burn [ ] Level: 5 [ ] Lesser Shielding [ ] Flame Bolt [ ] Elementalkin Earth [ ] Level: 6 [ ] Eye of Zomm [ ] Dimensional Pocket [ ] Elementaling Water [ ] Level: 7 [ ] Renew Elements [ ] Shock of Blades [ ] Shield of Fire [ ] Elementaling Fire [ ] Level: 8 [ ] Summon Linen Mantle [ ] Elementaling Air [ ] Invisibility [ ] Staff of Tracing [ ] Level: 9 [ ] Ward Summoned [ ] Summon Fang [ ] Elementaling Earth [ ] Level: 10 [ ] Summon Tarnished Bauble [ ] Rain of Blades [ ] Elemental Water [ ] Cancel Magic [ ] Level: 11 [ ] Summon Elemental Defender [ ] Burnout [ ] Elemental Fire [ ] Level: 12 [ ] Column of Fire [ ] Bind Affinity [ ] Elemental Air [ ] Level: 13 [ ] Identify [ ] Phantom Leather [ ] Elemental Earth [ ] Wuggan's Lesser Appraisal [ ] Level: 14 [ ] Minor Summoning Water [ ] Wuggan's Lesser Discombobulation [ ] Wuggan's Lesser Extrication [ ] Staff of Warding [ ] Level: 15 [ ] Summon Throwing Dagger [ ] Summon Heatstone [ ] Shock of Flame [ ] Minor Summoning Fire [ ] Level: 16 [ ] Summon Tiny Ring [ ] Shielding [ ] Minor Summoning Air [ ] See Invisible [ ] Level: 17 [ ] Summon Phantom Leather [ ] Minor Summoning Earth [ ] Summon Waterstone [ ] Rain of Fire [ ] Level: 18 [ ] Renew Summoning [ ] Lesser Summoning Water [ ] Expulse Summoned [ ] Bolt of Flame [ ] Level: 19 [ ] Elemental Shield [ ] Tiny Companion [ ] Shield of Flame [ ] Lesser Summoning Fire [ ] Level: 20 [ ] Summon Arrows [ ] Spear of Warding [ ] Summon Jade Bracelet [ ] Summon Wooden Bracelet [ ] Lesser Summoning Air [ ] Level: 21 [ ] Summon Silver Choker [ ] Lesser Summoning Earth [ ] Cornucopia [ ] Level: 22 [ ] Malaise [ ] Flame Flux [ ] Everfount [ ] Summoning Water [ ] Level: 23 [ ] Shock of Spikes [ ] Wuggan's Appraisal [ ] Summoning Fire [ ] Level: 24 [ ] Wuggan's Discombobulation [ ] Wuggan's Extrication [ ] Summoning Air [ ] Staff of Runes [ ] Major Shielding [ ] Level: 25 [ ] Dismiss Summoned [ ] Summon Phantom Chain [ ] Summoning Earth [ ] Phantom Chain [ ] Level: 26 [ ] Rain of Spikes [ ] Greater Summoning Water [ ] Sword of Runes [ ] Level: 27 [ ] Expedience [ ] Summon Leather Mantle [ ] Greater Summoning Fire [ ] Level: 28 [ ] Inferno Shield [ ] Greater Summoning Air [ ] Expel Summoned [ ] Level: 29 [ ] Summon Coldstone [ ] Burnout II [ ] Greater Summoning Earth [ ] Level: 30 [ ] Monster Summoning I [ ] Summon Shiny Bauble [ ] Dimensional Hole [ ] Level: 31 [ ] Blaze [ ] Summon Shard of the Core [ ] Minor Conjuration Water [ ] Level: 32 [ ] Nullify Magic [ ] Minor Conjuration Fire [ ] Greater Shielding [ ] Level: 33 [ ] Wuggan's Greater Appraisal [ ] Staff of Symbols [ ] Minor Conjuration Air [ ] Cinder Bolt [ ] Level: 34 [ ] Refresh Summoning [ ] Wuggan's Greater Discombobulation [ ] Wuggan's Greater Extrication [ ] Minor Conjuration Earth [ ] Level: 35 [ ] Dagger of Symbols [ ] Rain of Lava [ ] Level: 36 [ ] Summon Companion [ ] Lesser Conjuration Water [ ] Level: 37 [ ] Summon Ring of Flight [ ] Summon Twisted Ring [ ] Lesser Conjuration Fire [ ] Level: 38 [ ] Summon Phantom Plate [ ] Lesser Conjuration Air [ ] Barrier of Combustion [ ] Level: 39 [ ] Flame Arc [ ] Lesser Conjuration Earth [ ] Level: 41 [ ] Elemental Armor [ ] Shock of Swords [ ] Conjuration Water [ ] Phantom Plate [ ] Level: 42 [ ] Summon Opal Bracelet [ ] Summon Orb of Exploration [ ] Bounce [ ] Conjuration Fire [ ] Level: 43 [ ] Elemental Maelstrom [ ] Conjuration Air [ ] Arch Shielding [ ] Level: 44 [ ] Malaisement [ ] Modulating Rod [ ] Primal Remedy [ ] Summon Stone Bracelet [ ] Conjuration Earth [ ] Level: 45 [ ] Summon Orb [ ] Shield of Lava [ ] Level: 46 [ ] Ward of Calliav [ ] Greater Conjuration Earth [ ] Level: 47 [ ] Burnout III [ ] Greater Conjuration Fire [ ] Lava Bolt [ ] Level: 48 [ ] Banish Summoned [ ] Summon Elemental Blanket [ ] Greater Conjuration Air [ ] Level: 49 [ ] Rain of Swords [ ] Greater Conjuration Water [ ] Level: 50 [ ] Monster Summoning II [ ] Summon Golden Choker [ ] Level: 51 [ ] Malosi [ ] Scintillation [ ] Vocarate Earth [ ] Gift of Xev [ ] Summon Silken Mantle [ ] Level: 52 [ ] Char [ ] Phantom Armor [ ] Vocarate Fire [ ] Bristlebane's Bundle [ ] Summon Brilliant Bauble [ ] Transon's Elemental Infusion [ ] Elemental Empathy [ ] Level: 53 [ ] Annul Magic [ ] Boon of Immolation [ ] Vocarate Air [ ] Quiver of Marr [ ] Summon Studded Ring [ ] Level: 54 [ ] Shield of the Magi [ ] Scars of Sigil [ ] Vocarate Water [ ] Bandolier of Luclin [ ] Summon Ruby Bracelet [ ] Veil of Elements [ ] Phantasmal Armor [ ] Elemental Cloak [ ] Kindle [ ] Summon Iron Bracelet [ ] Elemental Draw [ ] Level: 55 [ ] Wrath of the Elements [ ] Burnout IV [ ] Sirocco [ ] Pouch of Quellious [ ] Rage of Zomm [ ] Call of the Hero [ ] Earthen Strength [ ] Level: 56 [ ] Exile Summoned [ ] Cadeau of Flame [ ] Dyzil's Deafening Decoy [ ] Muzzle of Mardu [ ] Mass Mystical Transvergence [ ] Rod of Mystical Transvergence [ ] Level: 57 [ ] Shock of Steel [ ] Greater Vocaration Earth [ ] Eye of Tallon [ ] Level: 58 [ ] Malosini [ ] Velocity [ ] Greater Vocaration Fire [ ] Transon's Phantasmal Protection [ ] Guard of Calliav [ ] Reflect [ ] Level: 59 [ ] Valiant Companion [ ] Seeking Flame of Seukor [ ] Manastorm [ ] Greater Vocaration Air [ ] Manifest Elements [ ] Level: 60 [ ] Maelstrom of Electricity [ ] Monster Summoning III [ ] Banishment [ ] Aegis of Ro [ ] Greater Vocaration Water [ ] Mala [ ] Ancient Shock of Sun [ ] Ancient Burnout Blaze [ ] Shock of Fiery Blades [ ] Transon's Elemental Renewal [ ] Wind of the Desert