60 / 117 AAXP

* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* Worked on the 'Wizard Epic'-quest. Most informations are now included. Will finetune it soon
* Started to farming 'Eggs' in 'Lavastorm Mountains' for the next step, in getting up my 'Bakingskill'

* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* Aniryl got her first part of the 'Wizard Epic'

* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* Scythia and Aniryl finished their 'Runes Of Scale'-quest!

* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* Today we went back to the 'Tower Of Frozen Shadow' and made some keys! I think, we will return there, next weekend, to finish the last keys for our Minis and get the very final key :-)
* Start farming some 'Fungis (Underfood Mushroom and A Strange Dark Fungus)' in 'Kaladim', to get ready for 'Kaladim Constitutional'

* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* Went again to the 'Eastern Plains Of Karana' to farm 'Tea Leafs' with 'Duria'.
* Farmed some 'Lucid Shards' and some AAXP in 'Sanctus Seru' and 'Acrylia Caverns'. Also farmed some AAXP and 'Silk' in 'Kael Drakkal'

* Uploaded one new video on my YouTube channel
* Went again to the 'Eastern Plains Of Karana' to farm 'Tea Leafs' with 'Duria'. Holy Banana, Batman... This skill takes long to max, hehe. But, we are on a good way. I think, i'll max out the skill tomorrow and i'll get more leafs, once the skill is up to it's max
* In the evening, we went back again, into 'Inner Acrylia Caverns' to kill the 'Foreman'

* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel
* Today i borrowed 'Duria' from 'Bisben'. She is a druid. I used her skills, to farm 'Tea Leafs' in 'Eastern Plains Of Karana', for more 'Qeynos Afternoon Tea'. Sadly, her foraging skill wasn't that high yet, so i had to push the skill up first. I got her up to 109. While that, i mastered her 'Sense Heading' (200) skill and pushed also 'Divination' and 'Conjuration' (something arround 170). I'll do that tomorrow again (again offcam). I need a TONS of these leafs :-P

[2021-June-22 - 23]
* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* Finally completed all level 24 spells for Lyrina! 'Spell: Summoning: Fire' was the last one, that i missed
* Also competed all level 29 spells for Lyrina :-). 'Spell: Greater Summoning: Earth' and 'Spell: Greater Summoning: Water' were missing
* And i complete all level 34 spells, also for Lyrina. 'Spell: Minor Conjuration: Air' and 'Spell: Minor Conjuration: Fire' now scribed in my spellbook :-)
* Finished also all level 49 spells (Lyrina)! Now im only missing my 'Epic Spell', 'Phantasmal Armor' (Raiddrop) and the the Ancient Spells, level 60
* Second point invested into 'Spell Casting Deftness'

* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel
* Farmed again 'Jade Shard' and i got two (i think)
* We raided 'Dain Frostreaver IV' several times today. Poor him :-P
* Started the 'Coldain Shawl #8' quest, by handing in the 'Runed Coldain Prayer Shawl' to 'Chamberlain Krystorf' and received the 'Empty Coldain Issue Kit'. I have to write down the quest too (soon), so i'll have a checklist. Also, i need to find a group, to farm the resources i need for this and get some tradeskills for this last part up

* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* We visited 'Vex Thal' the first time, after about 20 years! I seriously was scared, hehe. I hope, we will raid this zone soon, aswell 'Plane of Sky' and 'Veeshans Peak' (Yes Bisben, im looking into your direction :-P)
* Farmed again one (ONE!) damn 'Jade Shard'. That droprate (0,32%) is ridiculous, lol. Figured out, i need even more. I have now two of six. This is clearly a true task, for an camper like me! And i like it! :-D

* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* Finally finished the 'Key to Vex Thal' on Lyrina!

[2021-June-16 - 18]
* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel
* Scythia and Aniryl are able now to speak ALL languages in Norrath! w0000t!
* Updated the 'Key to Cobalt Scar'-quest. Now it looks more fancypants :-P
* Updated the 'Drolvarg Teeth'-quest (added some links)
* Starting to add 'Captain Nealith's Brother'-quest (follow up quest of the 'Drolvarg Teeth'-quest). It's not finished yet. Will do that soon

* Uploaded one new video on my YouTube channel
* Not much happened today. Did alot of spellcasttraining with Aniryl and we had a small raid in Inner Acrylia, which was alot of fun :-)
* Updated a little bit of 'Skills & AAXPs' for Aniryl. Still incomplete, but im working on it :-P

* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel
* Updated the 'Quests'-list a littl' more. Minor changes
* Started 'Skills & AAXPs' for Aniryl. Ofcourse it's incomplete and still WiP
* Aniryl finally finished part one and two of the 'Coldain Prayer Shawl'-quest

* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* Did alot of tradeskills today and got my bakingskill up to 199!
* Aniryl handed in the pieces for the 'Rune of Scale'-quest. Now 'Trakanon' needs to die, for his 'Tooth'!
* Added the quest 'Drolvarg Teeth' to the questlist (Lyrina and Aniryl completed this quest already several times)

* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* Well, i fucked up (again) today. First, we failed at 'Phinny' and i looted my corpse, before EXP-Rez... Second, i destroyed my 'JBoots', cause i missed a click... But, i got my EXP fully back and made a fresh pair of the boots
* Scythe and me camped 'Verix' today, with success! We got him twice and Scythia and Aniryl have now the last 'Medallion'-piece. Now only, 'Traks Tooth' is missing!

* Uploaded six new videos on my YouTube channel
* Well, i fucked up the hand in at the Professor today for the 'Rune of Scale'-quest. So i had to revisit the 'Ratman' in 'Chardok' and get the groundspawn again, inside the Library (#5) in 'Kaesora'

* Uploaded five new videos on my YouTube channel
* Camped out today another 'Rune of Scale'-questitem, this time for Aniryl in 'Trakanons Teeth'. 'pained soul' spawned pretty quick, in compare to yesterday. So both Minis have this item now. Next stopp will be 'Verix' (maybe this weekend?)

* Uploaded one new video on my YouTube channel
* Camped out today another 'Rune of Scale'-questitem for Scythia in 'Trakanons Teeth'. Sadly, no second 'pained soul' spawned yet, so i have to return to it, tomorrow again :-)

* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel
* Aniryl got her 'Rune of Scale'-questitem from the 'a bloodgill marauder' in 'Lake Of Ill Omen'

* Uploaded nine new videos on my YouTube channel
* Updated the infos for the 'Coldain Shawl #2: Cloth Coldain Prayer Shawl'-quest
* Updated the 'Brainbite'-quest (WiP)
* Updated some genereal 'Coldain Shawl'-questinformations
* Updated some minor stuff on the 'quests'-page
* Scythia and Aniryl managed to get more parts, for several keys. We working hard now, on more :-)
* Aniryl started the Wizardepic, just to figure out, she needs to be level 46, to start it, hehe

* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* Moved the 'May News' into the Archives
* Scythia & Aniryl travel'd arround Norrath, to find a new camp. But they couldn't find any... yet. So we went down to Chardok, to hand in the green skins and salt, to get our faction with the sarnaks up. We got another Medallion for the key and did the 'Old Sebilis keyquest'
* Scythe farmed this morning alot of 'wolf meat', so i can start soon, to make 10lb Meatpies :-)

* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* Scythia & Aniryl went down again, into the Temple Of Droga, for even more EXP. I think, we will switch to a new location, next time. It's getting a little boring, hehe
* Farmed some Mammoth- and Wolfmeat, for some bakingtradeskills in the next days (10lb Halas Meatpie, hehe)

* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* Scythia & Aniryl went down again, into the Temple Of Droga, for some nice EXP :-)
* We raided Trakanon and the Plane Of Hate. Alot of fun! :-D

[2021-June-02 - 03]
* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* We got some more keyitems for the dungeonkey, all arround Norrath. Not all, none complete, but we got some :-)
* Sadly (again), not much happend, in the past days. I really hope, we will have more to do, in the upcoming days

* Updated the questinfos for 'Key to Charasis'
* Updated the questinfos for 'Key to Sebilis'
* Updated the questinfos for 'Tarton's Wheel' (quest has been finished by Aniryl)
* Reworked the questinfos for 'Rune of Scale'
* Started to add the Wizardepicchecklist for Aniryl, 'Staff Of The Four' (still WiP)

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(C)(R) Sven Vucenovic, Böllatweg 8, 72379 Hechingen, lyrina @ eqclassic . de
(C)(R) EverQuest 2015-2018 Daybreak Game Company, LLC. All Rights Reserved

(C)(R) Allakhazam, Lucy and Magelo. All Rights Reserved