* Updated the Questlist with the Key to Vex Thal-Quest
* Added the General's Challenge Checklist to the Questlist
Uploaded three new Videos on my YouTube channel
Uploaded four new Videos on my YouTube channel
* Got the Epicitem (Tears of Erollisi) from Captain Rottgrime in The Overthere! (Thank you, Bisben!)
* Fixed some minor errors on the website
Uploaded two new Videos on my YouTube channel
* Fixed several spellingmistakes on my Epiclist
* Extended the Spelllist to +60 Spells (not done yet!)
* The "Gear & Skillslist" now links to the official Magelo of TAKP
* Uploaded two new Videos on my YouTube channel
* Got the Guildraidschedule yesterday (Thanks, Bisben!). And this is, how it looks like (All raids starts at 20:00 o'Clock (GMT+1). TZC can be found HERE):
* Fixed some minor error on the Spelllist
* Removed "Summon Stone Bracelet" from the Spelllist
* Removed "Summon Iron Bracelet" from the Spelllist
* Uploaded two new Videos on my YouTube channel
* Finally updated my Spelllist (up to level 56)
* Tons of new videos are avail on my YouTube channel
* Next goals for the upcoming six to eight weeks:
** Questing more for my Epic. Which means, i need to gather some folks from the guild, to kill some Nameds and Bosses, all over Norrath. Klex and the wurms in Burning Woods should be soloable now, with my level. Killed Klex once already, but the wasps didn't let me alone... The wurms should be doable with the next eartpet, since the wurms in BW are highly fireresist (and im a firecaster...). Once they are done, it's time for the minibosses (like CoM, KK) and then the big stuff (KK, PoF & PoA)
** Gathering the missing spells (some are research, so it should be an easy task, since im above 165 in Research now)
** Getting more 100%WR bags (which means, i need to farm more platinums)
** More grouping and raiding with the Guildmembers
** Fixing the communicationproblems with group- and guildmembers. No sure, how to, since they using that damn D****rd thing. Maybe i should etablish an standalone forum and an Mumbleserver. But this needs to be figured out with the guildleader first, what he things about it (not going to do that, if he/the guild isn't interested into it)
** Getting my tradeskills up. I want to have, ALL of 'em, close to 200 or over, before PoP becomes 'live'. Which also means (again), to farm more plats, hehe
** Helping out more the guildmembers, with their needs, quests and epics. Since im now leveling up to 60, it should become easier, to help 'em out with my skills
** Once hitting 60, i have to fill the general AAXPs (i think i have 18 or 19 points spent sofar). I want to do it RIGHT, this time. Not scattering all the AAXP in some other stuff, before the basics not filled. Step by step, slow but steady
** Updating this website more often (even noone is reading it, beside me, lol)