* No videos today, sorry. There'll be new videos, by tomorrow
* Finished the 'Coldain
Shawl #7'-quest!
* Finished the Earthelementpart of my Epic!
* We killed Phinny today and he dropped (finally!) my Staff! Handed in all items and finished the Waterelementpart of my Epic!
* Got three new parts for my General's
* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel
* We killed 'Quillmane' in 'South Karana'. Loot the 'Pegasus Feather Cloak'. THANKS TO SMOFLOW!
* Sorted the list for the 'Coldain
Shawl #7'-quest alphabeticly. Much easier to read now
* Uploaded one new video on my YouTube channel
* We killed 'Magi P`Tasa' in the 'Plane of Hate' and i got the 'Staff of Elemental Mastery: Earth'! THANKS EVERYONE!
* Got the 'Runed Sea Shell' and the 'Swordfish Tooth' from 'Sirens Grotto', for the 'Coldain
Shawl #7'-quest
* Uploaded several new videos (lost track, due uploadspeedproblems, lol) on my YouTube channel
* Got three 'small bricks of velium' for the 'Coldain
Shawl #7'-quest
* Maxed out the 'General AAXPs'!
* Uploaded seven new videos on my YouTube channel
* Got my 'Blazing Wand' from 'Undertow' in 'Kedge Keep' for my Magicianepic!
* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* Finally finished the Sleeper's Key! :-)
* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 90!
* PING 91!
* PING 92!
* PING 93!
* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 86!
* PING 87!
* PING 88!
* PING 89!
* Scythe and me started to play our ALTs today. He'll plays a Monk and i'll a wizard. Fun times ahead!
* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 84!
* PING 85!
* Got my last Lucid Shard and finished the the Scepter for the Vex Tal key. Now, the Emporer must die, for the last piece
* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel ('Kiting in Maiden's Eye' & 'Guildraid in Plane Of Fear')
* Got the language 'Old Erudian' up to 100 (maxed out now)
* Got the language 'Elder Elvish' up to 70
* Reworked the 'Skills & AAXPs'-list. Calculation is fixed now
* PING 79!
* PING 80!
* PING 81!
* PING 82!
* PING 83!
* Figured out today (Thanks to Scythe!), that some (all?) AAXP-Skills double virtually every time you redeem your AAXP-Points. So this will be another fix... and i have to think of it first, how to solve this in a fancy way :-P
* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel
* Got 'Hand to Hand' up to 75 (maxed out now)
* Got 'Defense' up to 118
* Got '2H Blunt' up to 110 (maxed out now)
* Got 'Throwing' up to 75 (maxed out now)
* Got 'Piercing' up to 13
* PING 77!
* PING 78!
* Reworking the 'Skills & AAXPs'-list. Found a little calculationerror. Will be fixed soon
* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* Got '1H Blunt' up to 140 (maxed out now)
* Got 'Offense' up to 140 (maxed out now)
* Got 'Defense' up to 117
* Got 'Hand to Hand' up to 55
* PING 75!
* PING 76!
* Finally collected all level 55 spells!
* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 73!
* PING 74!
* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 70!
* PING 71!
* PING 72!
* Got my 'Lucid Shard [Tak]' from 'Maiden's Eye', for the 'Key to
Vex Thal'-quest
* Fixed a link for the 'General's
* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 68!
* PING 69!
* Got my 'Lucid Shard [Raf]', from 'The Deep', for the 'Key to
Vex Thal'-quest
* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* Got my potterytradeskill up to 169
* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* Nothing really happend. Server was off (EU Backbone was fucked up...)
* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 67!
* Got my 'Alcohol Tolerance' up to 14
* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel
* Updated all skills and AAXPs on the Skills & AAXPs-List. All entries are now 100% accurate and up to date
* PING 66!
* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel
* Got my jewelleringskill up to 188
* Uploaded five new videos on my YouTube channel
* Got my tailoringskill up to 188
* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* Got the Set-Shard from the Scarlet Deserts for the Key to Vex Thal-quest
* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel
* Moved the marchnews to the archives (very bottom of this very page)
* Uploaded eight new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 64!
* PING 65!
* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 61!
* PING 62!
* PING 63!
* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 53!
* PING 54!
* PING 55!
* PING 56!
* PING 57!
* PING 58!
* PING 59!
* PING 60!
* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 51!
* PING 52!