60 / 117 AAXP

* Uploaded a new video
* Lyrina started 'Elemental Form: Water'. First point (three AAXPs worth) has been spend. Working now on the second point, which requires another six AAXPs

[2021-October-28 - 30]
* Uploaded four new videos
* Lyrina finished 'Quick Summoning'!
* Lyrina finished 'Pet Discipline'!

[2021-October-26 - 27]
* Uploaded three new videos
* Lyrina got her second point into 'Quick Summoning' (the last one costs 9 AAXPs)

* Uploaded one new video
* Lyrina got the first points into 'Quick Summoning' (two more to go, requires 15 AAXPs)

* Uploaded three new videos
* Lyrina the last 6 AAXPs into 'Combat Stability' and COMPLETED(!) "General" and "Archetype" today! What a glorious day! Next stopp will be speed up CotH'ing and Pethold :-)

* Uploaded four new videos
* Lyrina putted to points (6 AAXPs) into 'Combat Stability' (six more needed)
* Lyrina finally got her 'Phantasmal Armor'. Only one spell left, that she is missing, to complete all spells, up to level 60

* Uploaded three new videos
* Lyrina got her 'Pottery'-skill up to 207
* Lyrina finished 'Spell Casting Expertise' today (maxxed!)
* Since Lyrina is soon done, with her 'Archetype'-AAXPs (12 point to go for "Combat Sability"), i updated the 'Class AAXP'-list. It's ready to go now :-). Also i updated alot of the infos for the most of the skills and did some spellchecks too. Looks much better now. It now time, to farm AAXPs, as much as possible, to get ready for PoP, hehe

* Uploaded one new video
* Lyrina got her 'Pottery'-skill up to 204
* Lyrina putted another AAXP point into 'Spell Casting Expertise' (another 6 AAXPs, to max it out!)

* Uploaded one new video

* Uploaded one new video

[2021-October-16 - 18]
* Uploaded two new videos
* Aniryl got her 'Tinkering'-skill up to 196
* Updated the passive skills on Aniryl, now she is up2date again

* Uploaded two new videos
* Lyrina max'd out 'Combat Agility'
* Lyrina started to put AAXPs into 'Spell Casting Expertise'
* Aniryl got her 'Tinkering'-skill up to 147

[2021-October-13 - 14]
* Uploaded eight new videos

* Uploaded three new videos

* Uploaded two new videos

* Uploaded two new videos
* Lyrina got the 'Gnildaria's Eye' for the 'General's Challenge'-quest

* Uploaded three new videos
* Lyrina putted more points into 'Combat Agility' (2 of 3 done now)
* Moved the Septembernews to the Archives

* Uploaded three new videos
* Lyrina finished the 'Key to Jaled Dar's Lair'-quest

* Uploaded two new videos

[2021-October-04 - 06]
* Uploaded three new videos
* Lyrina putted the first points into 'Combat Agility'

* Uploaded one new video
* Updated the 'Earring of Veracity (#3)'-quest, cause Lyrina looted her first Concillium Report

[2021-October-01 - 02]
* Uploaded one new video
* Lyrina completed 'Spell Casting Subtlety' today

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(C)(R) Sven Vucenovic, Böllatweg 8, 72379 Hechingen, lyrina @ eqclassic . de
(C)(R) EverQuest 2015-2018 Daybreak Game Company, LLC. All Rights Reserved

(C)(R) Allakhazam, Lucy and Magelo. All Rights Reserved