* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel (and the four from yesterday, since i was too tired, to make the upload, sorry!)
* Got the medallionpiece from Scythia and Aniryl for the 'Rune of Scale'-quest, from the Dreadlands
* Reworked the 'Rune of Scale'-quest. Now 'L'yrina and 'Aniryl' is listed in this quest
[2021-Mai-28 - 30]
* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 119!
* PING 120!
* Putted the first two points into 'Spell Casting Deftness'
* Uploaded six new videos on my YouTube channel
* Worked a littl' bit on the 'Quests'. Some minor changes. More will come :-)
* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* Finished the 'Staff Of The Wheel' (Tarton's Wheel) finished in one go. We recorded it, so you can see it HERE :-)
* Uploaded one new video on my YouTube channel
* Got all level 39 spells (beside the Brain Bite quested spell) for Aniryl and a bunch more, for higher levels. I hope to find a group in the next days, to get my hands on that thing :-)
* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel (a new playlist has been etablished, for all new videos, from 601 to 800)
* Maxed out 'Spell Casting Mastery'
* PING 118!
[2021-Mai-22 & 23]
* Sorry for not posting news yesterday. We camped Stormfeather in Iceclad Ocean, till 03:45 o'Clock in the morning and i was too tired, to do anything after that, hehe
* Uploaded six new videos on my YouTube channel
* Finished another step in the 'Coldain Insignia Ring (#1)'-quest
* Finished the first step in the 'Brain Bite'-quest for Aniryl (quest not listed yet)
* Scythia finished the 'Lost Map'-quest and got his eyepatch (quest not listed)
* Scythia and Aniryl got up to level four in the 'Tower Of Frozen Shadow'
* Uploaded five new videos on my YouTube channel
* Started the 'Coldain Insignia Ring (#1)'-quest today
* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel
* Started to altering the page. Added a new banner, with Lyrina and Aniryl on it, taken in Freeport. Also altered the top menu and removed the bottom one
* Uploaded six new videos on my YouTube channel
* Finished the quest (well, beside the very last step) for my 'General's
Challenge'-quest. Since we failed on the first try, BUT, got the grimling commander, we got the arm of him. So i used my 'Order', to start the event again and 'Bisben' handed in the arm and he got the key. So... This means, i have to restart the whole quest! Fun! Can't wait, to redo it (seriously!)
* Aniryl is now over level 30. Soon, as soon i'm in the right mood, i'll extend this website, to give her some space here too
* Uploaded one new video on my YouTube channel
* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 117!
* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 114!
* PING 115!
* PING 116!
* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* Planing to start a new quest: 'Earring of Veracity (#1)'
* PING 108!
* PING 109!
* PING 110!
* PING 111!
* PING 112!
* PING 113!
[2021-Mai-13 & 14]
* Really slow progress in the last days. I hope we can increase the speed of progress soon again. Sorry for not updating so much, but there is nothing, to update :-(
* Uploaded five new videos on my YouTube channel
[2021-Mai-11 & 12]
* Sorry, no update yesterday. I was too tired
* Uploaded nine new videos on my YouTube channel
* Added 'a fatestealer drake', 'a greater sphinx', 'a heartsbane drake', 'a windrider drake' and 'an undine spirit' to the Epiclist
* Finished 'Element of Fire' for my Epic
* PING 107!
* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel
* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* Got the more items for the 'General's
Challenge'-quest. Looks like, im going to finish this, in the upcoming week :-)
* Earned my new title today "Mistress" (see banner too, for that wonderful update)
* PING 102!
* PING 103!
* PING 104!
* PING 105!
* PING 106!
* Uploaded five new videos on my YouTube channel
* Got the 'Gilgaplank's Toes' for the 'General's
* Moved the 'April News' into the Archives
* Uploaded six new videos on my YouTube channel
* Finally got my 'Torch Of Elements' for my Epic! ONE STEP LEFT!!
* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel
* Not much happen'd today, sadly. I did some spellshopping for my mini, now she'll have all spells, but two researchspells. I have the components for one of these spells, but my skill is still too low, to perform and make a spell out of it. Maybe a fellow wizard, will do the combine for me, hehe
* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel
* BIG ACHIEVEMENT! Scythe and me now able, to speak ALL languages, that exists in Norrath! We speak now: Barbarian, Combine Tongue, Common Tongue (which every is speaking anyway), Dark Elvish, Dark Speech, Dragon, Dwarvish, Elder Dragon, Elder Elvish, Elder Teir'Dal, Elvish, Erudian, Faerie, Froglok, Gnoll, Gnomish, Goblin, Halfling, Lizardman, Ogre, Old Erudian, Orcish, Thieves Cant, Troll, Vah Shir
* PING 98!
* PING 99!
* PING 100!
* PING 101!
* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel and another two are on their way
* Not much happen'd today, sorry :-(. But i prepared some offscreen stuff, for tradeskill (Leatherpattern 'n stuff). So more tradeskillvideos will be released soon, i guess, hehe
* Fixed again the "Archtype" part of my "Skills & AAXPs" list. Calculation 2, 4 and 6 now stacking correct to 2, 6 and 12
* Uploaded one new video on my YouTube channel and another two are on their way
* PING 96!
* PING 97!
* Uploaded ten new videos on my YouTube channel and another two are on their way
* Fixed the "Archtype" part of my "Skills & AAXPs" list. Looks good to me now. More checks and fixes will come soon (im pretty sure about that, hehe)
* Alot of guildmember started to work hard on their epics. I'm very proud of 'em, not doing the cheap n' lazy MQ or 'buy it' way. Good call, guys!
* PING 94!
* PING 95!
* No real news or videos today. I installed my new modem today, but the speed still sucks. So the uploads will delay (again). No worries, ill save all videos and they'll be released ASAP, once my uploadspeed is back to normal. Sorry for that, friends