60 / 117 AAXP

* Uploaded one new video on my YouTube channel

* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* Added 'Skills & AAXPs' to the very top and very bottom menus. The list(s) are not done yet

* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 49!
* PING 50!

* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel
* Fixed minor stuff in the menus (top and bottom)
* Removed the Raidschedule (too much work, to keep it up2date with all the changes in the last weeks...)
* PING 47!
* PING 48!

* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* Got my 'Ulthork Tusks' for the 'Coldain Shawl #7'-quest
* PING 46!

* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel

* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel

* Uploaded a new video on my YouTube channel
* PING 45!

* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel

* Uploaded a new video on my YouTube channel
* Got my 'Zlandicar's Talisman' for the 'Sleeper's Key'-quest. Now we need to head to 'Dragon Necropolis', to turn it in, for the final key

* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel

* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel

* Uploaded seven new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 44!
* Got my 'Transon's Elemental Renewal'-spell

* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 43!

* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 42!

* Uploaded five new videos on my YouTube channel
* Finished the Coldain Shawl 6
* PING 41!
* Got 'Dirt of Underfoot' from Klex, for my Epic

* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel

* Uploaded six new videos on my YouTube channel
* Finished the 'Rune of Scale'-quest! Thank to all helpers!
* PING 38!
* PING 39!
* PING 40!

* Uploaded one new video on my YouTube channel
* PING 33!
* PING 34!
* PING 35!
* PING 36!
* PING 37!

* Uploaded five new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 32!
* Got my 'Piece of a Medallion (Bottom shard of the Kylong medallion)' for the 'Rune of Scale'-quest

* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 31!

* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 29!
* PING 30!
* Mastered the language 'Orcish', together with Scythe
* Got my Beggingskills up to 185
* Got the Lor-Shard from the Temple Of Ssra for the Key to Vex Thal-quest

* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* Got my Fletchingskill to 197
* Got a new earring (right), from Arch Lich Rhag`Zadune (Thanks to the Guild!): Hoop of Emptiness

* PING 27!
* PING 28!
* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel

* Uploaded six new videos on my YouTube channel

* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel
* PING 25!
* PING 26!
* Got my Fletchingskill to 180
* Got the Vin-Shard from the Temple Of Ssra for the Key to Vex Thal-quest
* Updated the videosubside (Splitted the Videos in two playlists now. "001 to 200" and "201 to 400")

* Uploaded one new video on my YouTube channel
* Moved the februarynews to the archives (very bottom of this very page)
* Updated the videosubside

* Updated the raidschedulelist
* PING 24!
* Got my fletchingskill up to 165
* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel

* PING 23!
* Fixed some minor things on the questlist
* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel

* Uploaded five new videos on my YouTube channel

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Unser Angebot enthält Links zu externen Webseiten Dritter, auf deren Inhalte wir keinen Einfluss haben. Deshalb können wir für diese fremden Inhalte auch keine Gewähr übernehmen. Für die Inhalte der verlinkten Seiten ist stets der jeweilige Anbieter oder Betreiber der Seiten verantwortlich. Die verlinkten Seiten wurden zum Zeitpunkt der Verlinkung auf mögliche Rechtsverstöße überprüft. Rechtswidrige Inhalte waren zum Zeitpunkt der Verlinkung nicht erkennbar. Eine permanente inhaltliche Kontrolle der verlinkten Seiten ist jedoch ohne konkrete Anhaltspunkte einer Rechtsverletzung nicht zumutbar. Bei Bekanntwerden von Rechtsverletzungen werden wir derartige Links umgehend entfernen. (Quelle: e-recht24.de)
(C)(R) Sven Vucenovic, Böllatweg 8, 72379 Hechingen, lyrina @ eqclassic . de
(C)(R) EverQuest 2015-2018 Daybreak Game Company, LLC. All Rights Reserved

(C)(R) Allakhazam, Lucy and Magelo. All Rights Reserved