60 / 117 AAXP

[2021-December-29 - 31]
* Uploaded six new videos
* Lyrina got her '2H Blunt'-skill up to 110 (maxxed now)
* Lyrina got her 'Piering'-skill up to 110 (maxxed now)
* Lyrina got her second point (worth six AAXPs) into 'Elemental Form: Earth'
* Lyrina finished (finally!) the 'Coldain Shawl (Step 8 - Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl)'-quest! Thanks everyone, for helping me :-)

* Uploaded two new videos
* Aniryl gained a level! She is now Level 52!
* Lyrina got her first point (worth three AAXPs) into 'Elemental Form: Earth'

* Uploaded a new video
* Lyrina finished her 'Elemental Form: Fire'. Rank 3 now! More AAXP incoming tomorrow, hehe. Only 72 AAXPs left, from beeing totally maxxed out! And only a few days left, before PoP will get released. Oh dear!

* Uploaded two new videos
* Lyrina got her 'Blacksmitthingtradeskill' up to 197

[2021-December-24 - 25]
* Uploaded three new videos

* Uploaded three new videos

* Uploaded a new video

[2021-December-20 - 21]
* Uploaded three new videos
* Second point (with 6 AAXPs) sinked into 'Elemental Form: Fire'

* Uploaded two new videos

* Got my first point (worth 3 AAXPs) into 'Elemental Form: Fire'. Also finished 'Mass Group Buff' (worth 9 AAXPs), wooohoow!
* Uploaded two new videos

* With the upload of the videos from yesterday, we hit 1000 videos! Thanks to everyone, who was part of this (sofar)! I hope, we will make it, to 2000 videos, till the end of 2022! Thank you
* Uploaded a new video

[2021-December-14 - 16]
* Uploaded three new videos
* Moved the 'November News' to the 'Archives'

[2021-December-10 - 13]
* Uploaded three new videos
* Finished the first step of the 'Coldain Shawl #8: Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl'-quest and im now ready, for the final fight and the hand-in
* Maxxed out the 'Elemental Form: Air'

[2021-December-08 - 09]
* Uploaded three new videos
* Updated the 'Spelllist' for level 61+ spells (not finished yet)
* Worked on the 'Questlist' again, adding more stuff to the Flaggingroute for 'Planes of Power' (still incomplete)

* Uploaded two new videos
* Added 'Saved AAXPs' (30 points, which is the maximum, you can save) to the 'main overviewlist'. So the list will become more and more accurate :-)
* Spellchecked some entries in the 'AAXP List'
* Very strange... I can't find any informations on 'Hastened Banishment'. I'm a littl' confused...
* Got my second point (worth 6 AAXPs) into 'Elemental Form: Air'

* Finished 'Elemental Form: Water' today, wooohooow! Working now on 'Elemental Form: Air' and future! Preparing for 'Planes of Power'. More AAXP incoming, tomorrow, hehe
* Prepared alot of subcombines for more fun with 'Pottery'
* Also working on the 'Questlist', adding the Flaggingroute for 'Planes of Power'. But it's not live yet

[2021-November-30 - December-05]
* Uploaded three new videos
* Lyrina got her 'Potterytradeskill' up to 229

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(C)(R) Sven Vucenovic, Böllatweg 8, 72379 Hechingen, lyrina @ eqclassic . de
(C)(R) EverQuest 2015-2018 Daybreak Game Company, LLC. All Rights Reserved

(C)(R) Allakhazam, Lucy and Magelo. All Rights Reserved