[2021-July-30 - 31]
* Uploaded seven new videos
* Lyrina got her 'Fishing'-skill up to 183
* Aniryl finished her 'Brainbite'-Spellquest (Thanks to Ymerria & Scythe!)
* Grats to Scythia, getting her 'Monkepic'!
* Uploaded four new videos
* Lyrina finished 'Channeling Focus' and put another point into 'Natural Durability'
* Uploaded three new videos
* We killed some fancy monster in 'Dragon Necropolis' and 'Veeshan's Peak'
* Uploaded three new videos
* We went to Paludal Caverns, more dwarfslaying. Later that afternoon, we kicked Trakanons butt again and gave Veeshan Peaks a revisit. I think, we still need to get use to this zone (again), since i wasn't there since somewhen in 2001/2 and the other Guildmembers needs to get comfy again, with it, since their last visit there was in 2020 (i guess). But no worries, we will get that, hehe :-)
* Uploaded six new videos
* Lyrina got her 'Baking'-skill up to 240
* Figured out, i have to fuck up my Katta Castellum faction, before i can start the damn 'Earring of Veracity (#1)'-quest
[2021-July-23 - 25]
* Uploaded six new videos
* Aniryl got her 'Green Oil' for her Epic today. Thanks everyone!
* Aniryl got her 'Staff of Gabstik' for her Epic
* Aniryl completed now all spells, till level 49 (beside the brain bite spell)
* Lyrina finished 'Coldain Insignia Ring (#6)' today
* Uploaded four new videos
* Lyrina got her 'Baking'-skill up to 230
* Uploaded one new video on my YouTube channel
* Today didn't happen'd much. It was patchday and we had two (or three?) hotfixes, scattered over the whole afternoon and evening
* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* Lyrina finished 'Spell Casting Fury'
* Lyrina putted the first points into 'Channeling Focus'
* Uploaded four new videos on my YouTube channel
* Lyrina got her 'bakingskill' up to 214
* Lyrina got her 'brewingskill' up to 215
[2021-July-17 - 18]
* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* Added "Playtimes" to the videocorner
* Fixed some infos on the 'Captain Nealiths Brother'-quest (Added the proper number for the map on step 1)
* Lyrina finished the 'Coldain Insignia Ring (#5)'-quest
[2021-July-15 - 16]
* Uploaded six new videos on my YouTube channel
* Corrected the Zone in the first step of the 'Earring of Veracity (#1)'-quest. It's sold in 'Sanctus Seru', not in 'Katta Castellum'
* Putted the second point into 'Spell Casting Fury'. Another six AAXPs needed, to master it :-)
[2021-July-13 - 14]
* Uploaded six new videos on my YouTube channel
* Worked out the upcoming 'Coldain Insignia Ring'-quests. Still WiP
* Lyrina got the triggeritem for 'Coldain Insignia Ring (#5)'-quest. Now i need to trigger the attackers (again) and finish this step
* Lyrina got her third item for the 'General's
Challenge'-quest, wooohoow!
[2021-July-11 - 12]
* Uploaded five new videos on my YouTube channel
* Lyrina finished the 'Coldain Insignia Ring (#3)'-quest
* Lyrina finished the 'Coldain Insignia Ring (#4)'-quest
* Lyrina got her 'Baking'-skill up to 208
[2021-July-09 - 10]
* Uploaded eight new videos on my YouTube channel
* Aniryl got her 'Tinkering'-skill up to 109
* Lyrina got her 'Blacksmithing'-skill up to 165
* Lyrina finished the 'Coldain Insignia Ring (#1)'-quest
* Lyrina finished the 'Coldain Insignia Ring (#2)'-quest (Thanks to Scythe!)
* Lyrina got her 'Brewing'-skill up to 203
[2021-July-07 - 08]
* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* Lyrina got her 'Begging'-skill up to 200! MAXXED!!
* Lyrina got her 'Fishing'-skill up to 180
* Lyrina got her 'Bind Wound'-skill up to 94
* Lyrina got her 'Baking'-skill up to 203
* Lyrina got her 'Defence'-skill up to 145
* Aniryl got her 'Research'-skill up to 160
* Lyrinas '2H Blunt'-skill wasn't 110. I had to correct the number down to 75
* Lyrinas AAXP-points are now at 132 (all in all)
* Uploaded two new videos on my YouTube channel
* Lyrina got her 'Begging'-skill up to 193
* Moved the 'June News' into the Archives
* Uploaded five new videos on my YouTube channel
* Putted the first point into 'Spell Casting Fury'
* Got the first two items for the 'General's
Challenge'-questrow (this is the second time, im doing this...)
* Uploaded three new videos on my YouTube channel
* Third and last point invested into 'Spell Casting Deftness'
[2021-July-01 - 03]
* Uploaded seven new videos on my YouTube channel
* Lyrina got her 'brewingskills' up to 200
* Aniryl did the prequest for her 'Wizard Epic'
* Did alot farming and i'll do some baking in the next days. Got alot of Eggs already, to make a tons of noodles, hehe